2025 Advisory Committee
If you are interested in serving on any of these committees or have suggestions for a new committee, please contact the committee chair(s) or Executive Director Mandy Wren mandy.wren@scbar.org.
Ethics CLE
Susan Porter - porters@dnr.sc.gov
Alex Postic - apostic@bellsouth.net
Lunch & Learns
Shelby Leonardi - sleonardi@phl-firm.com
Todd Serbin - tserbin@maynardnexsen.com
Michael Virzi - mjv@virzilaw.com
Memorial Service
Wade Mullins - wmullins@brunerpowell.com
Anthony Livoti - awlivoti@murphygrantland.com
Public Service
Shannon Polvi - shannon@cromerbabb.com
Reece Williams - reecewilliams@callisontighe.com
Tyler Bailey - tyler@baileylawfirmsc.com
Jonathan Milling - jmm@millinglaw.net
Alex Postic - apostic@bellsouth.net
Liz Dalzell - edalzell@bergerlawsc.com
Young Lawyers
Harper Hutson -
Nick Q -
Joe Wideman
Administrative Law Court
Evan Phillips - evanphillips@parkerpoe.com
Jane Downey - jdowney@bakerdonelson.com
Circuit Court, General Sessions
Fielding Pringle - pringle.fielding@richlandcountysc.gov
April Sampson - sampson.april@richlandcountysc.gov
Circuit Court, Common Pleas
Clarke Newton - clarke@bluesteinattorneys.com
Family Court
Federal Court
Jason Peavy - jason@peavylaw.com
Probate Court
Jonathan Spitz - jspitz@toddandjohnson.com
Workers' Compensation Commission
Ashley Kirkham - akirkham@collinsandlacy.com
Jennifer Honeycutt Newman - jnewman@collinsandlacy.com